Business owners amazed at the productivity increase,

with happier and healthier staff

Need to protect yourself or your employees from work-related injuries?

Looking for top-of-the range devices for back and ear protection?

Did you know that workplace safety devices help improve productivity by

  • minimising disruptions during the shift

  • ability to bounce-back and return to work the next day

  • reducing injuries,

  • reducing absences from work,

  • sustaining rate of work,

  • improved working comfort & increased worker satisfaction

  • better staff retention

    And with your workforce working at its best, revenues are bound to grow, too!


Your workers can work a full shift, reducing fatigue & soreness … ready for the next day


Your workers can communicate in noisy environments, increasing safety without risk to hearing

Scary stats.


Around 25% of Australians will suffer back pain on a given day.

Back pain is costing employers $5.7 billion per year.

— Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Providing health and safety initiatives for workers provides a 581% return on investment.

— Australian Government Comcare report

48% of people say the reason why hearing protectors are not always worn is "you cannot talk to your supervisor or co-workers while wearing them."

— Safe Work Australia

Our solutions.

  • Apex HeroWear - Wearable back-assist technology to reduce back injury.

    At SA2050, we are proud to introduce to you the Apex HeroWear Exosuit – a back-support technology that helps protect the spine of people doing strenuous jobs. The suit is designed to relieve up to 23kgs of strain while remaining lightweight and comfortable to wear on the job!

    It’s perfect for nurses (who, by the way, suffer backpain 66% of the time), construction workers, shearers, warehouse workers and more!

  • Hearing Armor - The first ear plug that could save your life... not just your hearing.

    We also have another top seller that protects your ears from damage. ‘Hearing Armor’ are effective ear plugs that allow non-damaging sounds to be heard, while blocking out harmful sounds that could cause ear damage!

    This means the wearer will be able to hear warning sounds that keep them out of trouble. Being made from silicon, also makes the plugs comfy to wear for extended periods. And they’ll be good to go for 6 months too with a little bit of cleaning – which is both good for your pocket and the environment!

    • Blocks noise but allows conversation

    • Durable and washable

    • Soft and comfortable

Exo-suit - Fit for all

Our suits are also modular with over 80 combinations and will fit most body types and work perfectly for wearers of either gender.

You’ll also not need to worry about putting them on as they’re super easy to wear and take off, plus each HeroWear Exosuit can be easily updated to fit the next user.

The benefits of the Exosuit include:

  • Reduced injury downtime in jobs with high incidence of injury

  • Reduced fatigue and improved quality of life

  • Return to work application enables and encourages employees to return to productive work

  • Fulfil duty of care and enhance safety culture in the workplace.

Need to hear what’s around you, but block out the damaging noise?

Benefits of the Hearing Armor ear protection include:

  • Lower risk of accidents in the workplace due to not needing to remove, and hear instructions, vehicles, etc in the workplace.

  • Lower cost than using disposable ear plugs every day

  • Increased productivity – less need to stop work to talk

  • Lower risk of hearing damage

  • Much better environmental outcomes in re-using ear protection rather than throwing them away.

Our solutions for workplace safety are not only technologically advanced, they’re also well priced to offer the best value for money.

This is great for businesses that get them for their employees, as well as people who get them for themselves too!

If you’re looking to keep yourself, your employees or someone you care for, safe at work, then SA2050 has got you covered. Our safety technologies offer the best in workwear safety and are well priced to give you the best value!

Book a discovery call today to speak to one of our friendly representatives about our products.

Or, check us out at to learn more about our work safety technologies and how you can make hazardous jobs safer!

Get in touch.
0422 852 005

Level 5, 63 Pirie Street
Adelaide, South Australia 5000