Our vision is to future-proof the supply of safe and clean water for:
- regional communities
- water reserves
- intensive water users, and
- water polluters
Water is a scarce and diminishing resource
Yet demand for
-agricultural, and
-industrial use
is increasing
Water is an essential life requirement
But its availability is becoming more critical with
-increasingly polluted water reserves
-higher demand, and
-higher standards/regulations
The problem is more severe in remote locations
To have clean and healthy water,,
the water treatment must do two things:
Disinfect pathogens that cause illness
Increase dissolved oxygen (“DO”) level
Other technologies can do one or the other, not both.

We have a new way of cleaning water
- both before and after application - that has the following benefits:
Municipal & Water for Human Consumption
Polluted dams, lakes, ponds – algae removal
Access to clean drinking water in particular, regional communities
Wastewater treatment plants
Clean and safe water in buildings/cooling towers
Water harvesting/re-cycling/aquifers
Disinfection, pre-treatment, and recycling
Clean and safe wastewater from industrial processes
Removal of suspended solids
Food & Agriculture
Clean and safe water for high intensity food production (fruits & vegetables, protein, dairy, fish)
Increased productivity with increased DO of water (plants, animals, fisheries)
Clean and safe wastewater from high intensity food production activities

Contact us.
We have exclusive rights to this leading edge water technology in Australia and New Zealand, and expansion options for South-East Asia.
With a wide range of industry applications, we look forward to discussing your specific needs.